@synth_cinema: July 2024


HCF Review - Maybe Thousands


In a frozen wilderness one man finds himself standing alone against the brutal forces of mother nature. Will he starve, or freeze, or be savaged by wolves? Will his survival skills be enough or will his resolve be broken by the overwhelming odds? Will he fall victim to a make-shift rope trap and fly through the air like Wile E. Coyote? Yes that’s right; this is a battle of wits not only against the cold winter of Wisconsin but also against all kinds of wacky slapstick predicaments. A simple story well told… but with mascot costumes, toilet humour, and an endless array of gags that defy the laws of physics. So strap yourself in for the ride as we discuss the events that take one drunken buffoon into battle against Hundreds of Beavers.


HCF Review - Dragon's Eye

ELECTRIC DRAGON 80.000 V (2001)

Tired of superhero movies? Well strap yourself in for a jolt of energy from Gakuryu ‘Sogo’ Ishii, director of such cult classics as Crazy Thunder Road. At just over fifty-minutes long this could be the fresh supply you’ve been looking for; an exaggerated ride full of hissing reptiles and buzzing live wires. Not every movie out there can be so brief of course, but it’s refreshing to watch something that isn’t a bladder bursting two and a half hours these days. Does it pack this running time with eye-searing images the likes of which would make Tsukamoto turn green with envy? It really depends on what you’re looking for in a tale which is brimming with stylish visuals but is light on anti-authority metaphor.