@synth_cinema: July 2020


Horror Bites - California Dreaming


In a Hollywood diner a man describes a recurring dream he's been having. Then as things go on the details of this dream start to become a reality. Even when these moments have just been explained they are still somehow incredibly unsettling as the camera follows him outside to a filthy alley and things get really weird. But that sense of unease sums up of a lot of the viewing experience in a story that is full of random vignettes, false starts, detours into imagined scenarios and sudden stops at the end of nightmares. Maybe this is all just the wandering fantasy of a woman who wants to make it big on the silver screen. But just like the troubled man at the table trying to explain this doesn't change things or make them less disturbing.

Horror Bites - Under The Skin

SPECIES (1995)

It's a fine line between comedy and horror. Or is that just the line between clever and stupid? In a way of course these genres are similar and one each involves a series of setups and a payoffs whether the results are sudden shocks or unexpected laughs. In some cases these lines blur for better or worse. Explosions of violent mayhem may become ludicrous and sometimes intended jokes can cause existential dread. However there are films out there which blend the two seamlessly proving it's not always a bad thing. The real problems start when the outcome doesn't quite line up... or when the intentions of a serious science fiction plot is too unclear and the whole thing starts to feel more like a sitcom.
