Time to go even further forward in time. And where better to start than with
Fright Night which makes a nice return to the 1980s
after a few older school viewings. Despite some weird vampire
seduction moments (just how old are these school kids?) and a story about creepy neighbours that has been done many times already, it's all very entertaining. There's a certain kind of charm to it all and Chris Sarandon as the vampire next door is both effortlessly charming and sinister.
There's nothing
exceptional here if you consider the sum of its parts but it's fun and imaginative. Maybe it's just because I like the sort of period over acting from an '80s feature. Some of the scenery chewing great particularly from Roddy McDowell who plays a has-been movie star thrust into a real horror scenario. There are a few splatter moments and lot of fun practical effects included, including wolf transformations and dissolving bodies. The electronic score from Brad Fiedel (
The Terminator) isn't that memorable but it helps give this all a classic vibe. (4/5)
Since this is the third and final segment here I will have to include a bit of everything. Let's start with the original version of
Salem's Lot. Like the evil clown film
It this is a two part TV movie based on the works Stephen King. but unfortunately this isn't really as good as a whole. There are some interesting elements here but while the vampires are pretty damn creepy the whole thing is a bloated mess with
too many plot holes. I have to assume that the unexplained moments are book
elements that have been cut down for time.
The vampire genre always has a lot of rules to explain, but when they choose some but don't keep to them it makes things hard to follow. It's also a problem that it's full of rambling Stephen King tangents that don't serve enough
of a purpose. I'd like to see this re-edited but even then there's too
much material that doesn't work. Does it really need a lengthy section about a guy catching his unfaithful wife if neither of them is a main character? While James Mason adds a touch of class and the main vampire is great most
of it is just a head scratcher. (2/5)
Keeping with the theme of mixing things up I have to add a foreign language release, and one that is by far the most successful entry to this viewing session;
Let The Right One In. It's deeply unnerving but also deeply character driven. The story is dark and weird but has a strong bond of friendship at the centre...
even if it's one that will being ruining the lives of every day people. This is a great idea
which it doesn't shy away from exploring. The vampire is more than just a
monster and its victims are more than just faceless goons to increase
the body count, so everyone wins.
It also asks questions about the nature of innocence as troubled boy Oskar meets the vampire Eli. He may have a sadistic streak waiting to surface and Eli may have a lost childhood under the cold immortal exterior. Looking at the amount of bloodsuckers on this list the
kind of depth here is nearly unheard of. Even if some of the even darker
elements of the original story are glossed over this is an adaptation that really works. It's eerie, haunting and very engaging. Which in this subgenre is a rare achievement. (4/5)
The same can't quite be said for
Interview With The Vampire. I get the feeling a whole lot of this has been either chopped down or removed to fit the running time, or at least it's told in a way that gives it that vibe. While what's left is interesting
enough, Brad Pitt feels miscast in a role that isn't energetic enough for him. Antonio Banderas arrives
later but it doesn't help as he spouts a bunch of pseudo philosophy just leads nowhere. Perhaps the two lead actors should have been swapped?
On the other hand Lestat (Tom Cruise) is totally unlikeable but at least he's got a personality you can hate. It's a shame then that it feels like he could have been given more to do. It's
bloody when required with few great Stan Winston effects, and it really picks up when scenes of action and revenge come into play. But as a horror story it lacks any real chills. It has a lot of period drama style, so if intricate costumes and sets are your thing it won't disappoint. In the end the problem of the story feeling cut short means that it lacks
depth and closure Which is problem when someone's whole life story is being told. (3/5)
I'll bring this all to a close this with a newer entry in the genre,
Only Lovers Left Alive. It does what the title suggests at least, but whether the melancholy romance elements and that sombre idea of living forever works against more quirky elements is debatable. I really like Tilda Swinton's performance as a wise and immortal figure. But other parts aren't quite as fleshed out as they should be, including John Hurt has a vampiric Christopher Marlowe or the concept of modern human blood being toxic because of Twenty-First Century living.
It works a lot better when these undead creatures are simply drawn as artists, writers or musicians. Adam (the suicidal musician) and Eve (the considerate naturalist) make a good pair while others like her sister Eva (the immature monster) arrive to upset their balance. Perhaps the latter is a bit much when most of the story is more thoughtful and low key as a character study. Then again perhaps that's the whole point. It's all nicely filmed and has enough thought provoking stuff along the way so it's a good note to go out on. (3/5)
Part one) (
Part two)