@synth_cinema: December 2020


HCF Review - Life on Mars

RED ROVER (2018)

For some the potential of a mission to Mars is a pipe-dream or a diversion from problems here on planet Earth. For others it’s a prime example of the ambition of the human species, and our obsession with achieving the impossible. Whatever your thoughts on space exploration it’s certainly a topic full of existential musings, which seems to be why writer-director Duane Murray has chosen this subject. To be clear this isn’t a story about science fiction, but instead a human drama about doomed romances, failed careers and social isolation. Would you choose to get away from it all on a one way trip to the stars? Your mileage may vary depending on your personality, but for some the question will be a poignant one.


HCF Review - Reefer Madness


Talking about genre films isn’t something that should ever be too tricky, particularly when it comes to the tropes of a typical horror story. If they’re not being cut down by slasher villains or monsters the characters fall prey to their own psychological flaws. There’s often a comfortable formula. But this particular release had me scratching my head more than a little. Is it a morality tale, or a ghost story? The advertising material is plastered with things like Deliverance meets Cannibal Holocaust meets Predator… but it’s nothing of the sort. In fact the writers don’t seem sure what kind of story they were trying to tell. 


Winter Horror-Thon


While I've talked about films like The Church (aka Demons 3) and Cemetery Man (aka Demons '95) let's take a look at a few of the other films in the alleged series. Which if I'm honest features an even more confusing pseudo-sequel numbering system than the Yes, Madam franchise. If there is even such a thing. Which of course... there isn't. In this case some of the releases in question are semi-remakes of other films entirely or take large portions of their stories from existing films. In reality it's best to ignore all of this title madness and just let the films speak for themselves. Be warned that this experience may result in a different kind of lunacy. But you'll never be duped into thinking that these are related at all, even if Michele Soavi is credited in them, either behind the camera or on screen.



FILM OF THE MONTH King of New York ☆☆☆☆